Your Guarantee

Your Guarantee

You Can Be Sure That With Allstar Plumbing The Work Is 100% Guaranteed! It’s That Simple. Our Guaranty Varies From The Classic 30 Days, To A Lifetime, Depending On The Type Of Job. In Addition We Will Provide You With A:

“Four Point Guarantee”

Quality Work

When you call Allstar Plumbing, you get the most qualified technicians. Get the job done right the first time; you’re paying for experience. Rest assured that with Allstar, you will get your money’s worth.

Job Dedication

When you call Allstar plumbing, you get professionals committed to your job only. They won’t leave for lunch never to be seen from again. Allstar gives you superior service – that’s peace of mind.

Personal Attention

When you call Allstar plumbing, you won’t get a machine. A qualified person will schedule an appointment that’s right for you. Allstar is here 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

No Nonsense Warranty

When you call Allstar Plumbing, you won’t waste a whole day waiting. Our trucks are stocked with over four hundred parts so we won’t be running for stock items. Allstar always gives you a full warranty in writing.

The complete details of the warranty can be seen prior to any sale by going HERE.

*The term “Lifetime” refers to the length of time the client owns the home.