Installing new modern amenities in your bathroom will not only make your San Jose home more functional, it will offer health benefits, save time, help you conserve water and make your home more valuable to prospective tenants and buyers. If you choose to add a new jacuzzi, spa bath, electric powered toilet, wash basin or shower, you will need to plan effectively for the project. That is why you should contact a professional plumber in San Jose to help you with tasks like copper repiping, positioning of new amenities and building code upgrades.

San Jose Plumbing Services

Everyone in Your Home Can Benefit From a Bathroom Extension
Adding new fixtures to your bathroom can have a positive impact on virtually all members of the family. The cardiovascular health of the parents in the home will improve significantly when a new spa bath is installed. The new bath will help to relax the muscles and nerves and make it easier for Mom and Dad to sleep well at night. Also, installing additional toilets will eliminate the queues in the morning and enable everyone to get ready for school or work faster. Similarly, adding a bathroom to each teenager’s room will give them the independence they crave for and make them more responsive and happier members of the home.

Extending Your Bathroom is a Wise Investment
In addition to the comfort, efficiency and health benefits that bathroom extensions offer, they also serve as a profitable addition to the home. A home that has bathrooms with modern amenities like electric toilets, anti-scald valves, multiple wash basins or a jacuzzi tub will definitely attract a higher value when it is time to rent or sell it. These amenities will also help family members to save precious time and to conserve water. So you will save cost on your water bills and also have more time to use for more productive income earning tasks.

A Professional Plumber is a Great Asset in Every Extension Project
Implementing a successful bathroom extension can be quite challenging. So you need to work with a licensed San Jose professional plumber who knows how to make a plan for redesigning the plumbing system in compliance with building regulations. An experienced professional plumber knows how to implement code upgrades for your property and secure all the necessary permits for the extension project. Your plumber will be able to recommend plumbing system designs that will actually save water consumption and give you substantial cost savings over time.

Call Your San Jose Plumber for a Discussion Now

If you are considering new extensions to your bathroom, give us a call now at (408) 282-7020 to discuss how you should plan for your project. We are committed to helping you design and install all the additional fixtures and amenities in a timely and cost-effective way. We have the expertise and experience you need to help you create the exact type of bathroom you want.

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